Friday, October 26, 2007

NOW Anti-War Rally on Boston Common , Oct. 27

Enough is Enough!
Help NOW send a message George W. and company that we want the war to end-NOW!

nowbutton Join Massachusetts NOW and thousands of others on October 27, 2007 for the New Engalnd mobilization to End the War in Iraq Rally. The rally begins at noon at the Boston Common Bandstand followed by a march to Copley Square at 2 p.m. This rally is part of a nationally coordinated day of protest against the war in Iraq called for by United for Peace and Justice. Regional demonstrations will be held in ten citites around the country. Organizations, like NOW, are working across New England to build the October 27th mobilization. Together we can build a social movement that can stop this war and shift the political agenda in this country to further global justice and women's rights!!!!

Please contact the Mass NOW office at (617) 254- 9130 with any questions or to RSVP.

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