Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Going to the ObamaRama This Afternoon?

If so, be sure to bring an umbrella, as it's supposed to rain...and hard! Also, for those of you who will be around the State House today, the Senate will be hearing Bill 1353: An Act Relativve to Public Safety. The purpose of the bill is to expand the buffer zone at the entrances and exits to reproductive health clinics from 18 ft to 36 feet. The legislation was designed in order to more effectively protect the safety and privacy of clinic patients and employees. Though a buffer zone law already exists, the language of the law is ambiguous and has made prosecution and punishment for violations of the law difficult. The session begins in Senate chambers at 1 p.m.- H

1 comment:

Gosia said...

I saw him speak on TV yesterday--of all places on MTV:)--and I must say I am impressed. Is he as charismatic in person?