Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Issue of the Forum Magazine Out

NEW ISSUEPolitical Orders and Political ErasThe transition from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown as Prime Minister of Britainproduced a vast amount of stock-taking. For journalists, this involved thequestion of differences--realized, incipient, or imaginary--between Blairand Brown. For political scientists, however, this is the wrong question.Instead, their job is to ask whether any given transition represents a trulynew political order. If it does not, the question becomes when the currentpolitical era really did emerge. What remains is then the question ofwhether current politics gives any serious indication of some new, latent,emergent era.In this issue of The Forum, Graham Wilson and Donley Studlar revisit thesequestions in Britain. Graham concentrates more on the structure anddistinction of a putative Blair era, while Donley carves British politicalhistory into the longer framework. Byron Shafer then asks where we are inhistory, that is, where we are in the same sort of evolution in the UnitedStates. For Germany, Clay Clemens asks whether a grand coalition can everrepresent real political change, or whether it is only a device forforestalling same. And for France, Andrew Appleton uses this same set ofnotions to ask whether there can indeed be a 'Sarkozy era'. PREFACEByron Shafer

List of this volume's articles:

"Notes from a New Editor".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art1ARTICLESGraham K. Wilson "A Blair Era? The Political Order of Modern Britain".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art2Donley T. Studlar "From Collectivist Consensus to 21st CenturyNeoliberalism: Orders and Eras in Postwar Britain".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art3Byron E. Shafer "Where Are We in History? Political Orders and PoliticalEras in the Postwar U.S.".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art4Clay M. Clemens "The Grand Coalition and a Changing Political Order:Shifting Alliances and a New Era in German Politics".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art5Andrew Appleton "Political Orders and Political Eras in France: Can There Bea Sarkozy Era?".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art6Hans Noel "Listening to the Coalition Merchants: Measuring the IntellectualInfluence of Academic Scribblers".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art7Michael W. Wagner "The Utility of Staying on Message: Competing PartisanFrames and Public Awareness of Elite Differences on Political Issues".http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol5/iss3/art8

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