Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Save Bialowieza Forest, Europe's Last Primeval Temperate Forest


Demand the Polish government stop exploitation of the ancient Bialowieza forest, preserve the whole complex as a national park, and end permanently extensive logging that threatens Europe's last remnant old-growth northern temperate forests

Situated on the Polish/Belarussian border, the Bialowieza Forest is a priceless relic of lowland European forests, a place where the last fragments of primeval temperate old-growth forest on the Central European lowland have survived. It is home to many species extinct elsewhere including the European Bison, the largest terrestrial mammal of Europe; and also contains lynx, wolves and other threatened wildlife and plants. Yet approximately 90% of the forest remains unprotected... For many years environmental NGOs, scientists, concerned citizens in Poland and abroad have asked successive Polish governments to protect the forest, asking them to ban cutting of old growth and for enlargement of the Bialowieza National Park to protect the whole forest complex. Until now there has been little success. After the autumn elections Poland has a new government, so we are trying anew. Please help influence Polish politicians by sending the protest email below. After doing so please note the exciting update on our New York City rainforest timber campaign.



heather panahi said...

Thanks for reminding us that we can be catalysts for change not just here in the US, but that there are events taking place throughout the world that merit our equal attention and action!

Gosia said...

No prob:) The Bialowieza forest is actually really close to where I am from so it holds a special place for me. It is really beautiful!